Friday 6 April 2018

Causes & Conditions.

A definition.

What's the difference between cause and condition / pl: przyczyna i warunek / in Buddhism?

A cause is a discrete event which occurs before a result.

A condition is not discrete, it is continuous, and must remain true in order for things to arise in dependence upon it.

An appearance of a result of a cause, can be a cause.

A continuous serie of causes appearing without any gap in a serie of observable moments can be seen as a condition.

A condition can also be a cause. / for example: a condition Co1 holding during whole timeframe T1 causes Ca1 to appear /.

A cause can also make condition(s) to appear for a given time. / for example: 'i wish for gravity to cease in my room for 1 second.' - perhaps it's not so impossible as the Science advances, but consequences would still be terrible anyway. ;) /.

Usually we do not know when karma ripens, when cause's effect realizes, becomes a part of our reality.

Causes can create, support or abolish conditions, can counter other causes as well.

... there are more of nuances in the Causes Science, as well.

An example.

If I drop an apple, there are a mixture of causes and conditions relating to the apple falling.

Causes include me picking up the apple, me letting go of the apple, and so forth.

Conditions include the existence of gravity, the lack of any physical obstruction underneath the apple, the apple having mass.

Some of those conditions are very slow to change, and some are not. When the apple hits the ground, the condition of there being no obstruction underneath it will cease, and so the freefall of the apple will cease due to a dependent condition ceasing.

Source: An article in Quora, and more.


- condition: warunek,
- precondition: warunek wstępny; warunek początkowy,
- postcondition: warunek końcowy,
- invariant: niezmiennik,
- neccessary condition: warunek konieczny,
- sufficient condition: warunek wystarczający, warunek dostateczny,
- conditions hold: warunki utrzymują się w mocy,
- conditions satisfied: warunki spełnione,
- conditions evaluate to truth: warunki wyliczają się do prawdy,
- observable moment: obserwowalny moment.

... see also if You wish or need: 'Necessity and sufficiency on Wikipedia'.

... is it glossary or a dictionary? / an english-polish dictionary /.


... unfortunately, there are people who abuse words of science.

... does science want 'priority queues' to be excuse leading to abusing someone, certain group(s), etc.?

... what's true purpose of 'simple queue systems' architecture? / en: 'simple queue systems' = pl: 'proste systemy kolejkowe'. /

... what's connection between 'completion phase' of meditation and satisfied conditions? / in a polish language, 'completion phase' is 'faza spełniająca'. /

Causes & Computer Science.

When a cause appears, or disappears, originates or ceases - an event should be raised, so other software part(s) can be notified.

Cause's ripening can be conditioned.

... for example, a wish: 'i wish to clean my room tomorrow' translates to a cause for cleaning room, with condition that this must occur in a given timeframe.

When conditions for this cause's ripening hold in a given timeframe, this cause ripens in a given timeframe.

When conditions for this cause's ripening do not hold in a given timeframe, this cause is purified, and is never realized.

Conditions & Computer Science.

In Computer Sciences, in Object Oriented Programming, objects consist of:
- state, variables' values,
- methods.

But i think it's useful to add conditions, as a part of object's state - as worthwhile to empahize.

Conditions have boolean values - are either true or false.

Conditions are affected by variables' state changes, so code that maintains condition's state should be in the appropriate accessor method(s).

When variable's state changes, and condition's state changes from false to true, condition origination event is raised.

When condition's state is true, condition holds. Otherwise it does not hold at this moment.

When variable's state changes, and condition's state changes from true to false, condition cessation event is raised.

There can also be conditions for a method entrance, for control being within a method, and for method leaving - on the processors/cores or/and a processess/threads levels.

Method's leave events should contain method's return value in their state - unless method does not return any value. In this case this information should be a part of method's leave event's state.


'if this exists, that exists; if this ceases to exist, that also ceases to exist'.


'Whatever arises dependently
Is explained as empty.
Thus dependent attribution
Is the middle way.

Since there is nothing whatever
That is not dependently existent,
For that reason there is nothing
Whatsoever that is not empty.

See also if You wish:
* Emptiness, Interdependence, Equanimity & Illusory Nature of Reality,
* Pratītyasamutpāda on Wikipedia,
* Causal Notation.

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