Thursday, 12 April 2018

Token Game.


Originally 'Token Game' is a board game, an educational board game related with petri nets - rare and precious, at least in some circles.

... in a context of this blog, 'Token Game' is a theory, software modelling & construction methodology.

... it's the most ambitious theory in Project Wraithstar, from the Advanced Mathematical Computer Sciences perspective.

... inspired by abstracted Petri Nets, concretized different way, taking advantage of object orientation, can be used to model causes & conditions quite efficiently.

Software built using the Token Game / pl: gra w żetony / should react to events of causes and conditions appearing, existing and disappearing.

it has uses in esoteric, visuospatial programming / pl: ezoteryczne, programowanie wzrokowo - przestrzenne /, with modelling objects graphs in 3D then filling them with code. Objects graph is a model of a program, can be run.

Design goals for Token Game is to be very easy to use, but offer a great paradigm to work with, great idioms set.

There's focus on seeing more, thinking more, typing less.

... fitting 'a complete code part' on a 'single screen' can make easier overview, simplifies thinking, increases code quality, as i learned when i studied on MIMUW - Warsaw Univesity, ZSI Informatics Faculty.

There's support for concurrency mechanisms & typed data flow, built-in.

... see also, if You need or wish: Befunge, esoteric programming language, visuospatial - at least in a way, i think.

Petri Nets Conference.


- i participated as well, when i studied at MIMUW, Computer Sciences, when i worked at XPro sp. z.o.o. -
- i got a few of free days from work, and sponsoring from Michał Kłeczek, XPro's owner. -

- this conference set karma in motion, i think ... deeply inspiring, even if i barely understood. -

- Susanna Donatelli, for her participation in the Sieldce ATPN Petri Nets Conference & support.
- Carl Adam Petri on Wikipedia.

* Linda & Tuple Space.


... bought this ebook on, kindle edition - will read when we need, as much as we need, if i can.

... downloaded this document as well.

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