Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Automata, Languages & Computations.

/ Work in Progress, Please do not hurry me - I need some time to study and create high quality lesson. It's worth to wait, I think.

Meanwhile, feel free to look at the article: 'Object State & Context'. /

I had insights (thoughts appearing in mind) that I should deepen my knowledge about Finite State Machines and Stack Machines. And about their connections with Regular Expressions and Context-Free Grammars. It's a part of lecture called 'Automata, Languages & Computations', that considers work of Alan Turing, the creator of Mathematical models of Computers & Computing.

Insights told me that sangha (buddhist community) needs such lessons on this blog, and that I should do this work, even if - personally - I prefer to focus on studying the Ethical Hacking instead, for now.

Do not get me wrong, I think that studying 'Automata, Languages & Computations' is a very good idea, just not for now. I just need time to do it well. I need some time to create quality lessons on my blog. This should help in creating 'Ola' Programming Language that I have planned for future, as well.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Cyber Security Course's Reference.

There are many roles in the Cybersecurity job market. One of these is Ethical Hacking, also known as Red Teaming or Pentesting (Penetration Testing).

I've enlisted myself for a 6-months long pentesting course, and making reference notes as I progress.

These notes won't replace the full course, but may prove to be useful for myself and others still - if only as the reference.

List of the lessons / work in progress still /:
1. Kali Linux Reference for Pentesters,
2. Foundations of Cyber Security,
3. Introduction to Pentesting,
4. Pentesting: Art of Reconaissance,
5. Pentesting: Scanning & Enumeration,
6. Pentesting: Vulnerability Analysis,
7. Pentesting: Exploitation of Systems, Services & Applications / work in progress /,

.... more to come later ...