Monday, 29 July 2019

Linda as Database Management System.

Database is data, Database Management System / DBMS / is software that keeps and manipulates database.

There are many Database Management Systems, from Relational Database Management Systems / RDBMS /, to Object Oriented Database Management Systems / OODMBS /, to Hierarchical Database Management Systems, perhaps more.

SQL, language-interface with RDBMS is so holy, as RDBMS have STRONG Roots in Mathematics, Relational Algebra.

... in a way it's powerful, but still complex and unelegant, i think.

... there are Views / pl: Widoki /, PL/SQL, Events - Triggers / pl: Zdarzenia - Wyzwalacze /, Transactions, / pl: Transakcje /, ACID properties, Transaction Isolation Levels / pl: Poziomy Izolacji Transakcji /, Normal Forms at various 'levels' / Pierwsza Postać Normalna, Druga Postać Normalna, ... /, ... Database Tuning / pl: Strojenie Baz Danych / , ... far more.

... i even heard a complaint that someone preferred to store 'XML files in database' instead of proper handling data in relation tables, as a consequence of software-database operations complexity & frustration.

... i am very far from Database Admin expertise levels - it's quite Ambitious & Unappreciated Way ... but still ... it's not my way.

... i don't know anything about Data Warehousing / pl: Hurtownie Danych /, BIG DATA, Data Mining, etc.

... i think Database Tuning is optimization, of either whole Database/DBMS, or it's parts. There are many aspects to optimize - optimizing one/few things at cost of other thing(s).

There are important abstractions over RDBMS, as Java's Hibernate - for example - important bridge between 'Object Oriented Solutions' and RDBMS.

... but i think 'bridge' is not enough, we need simpler ways.

Linda has potential for being new DBMS tool as well, among it's other uses - perhaps many other uses.

Both Linda, as well as Relational Database Management Systems use the idea of a Tuple / pl: Krotka /.

... i think it's important to emphasize that without Transactions Support, any of Database Management Systems is lacking, not good enough to be used commercially ... so Linda also needs Transactions Support if it is to be used as DBMS.

Compared with RDBMS systems, Linda is far simpler, and has very elegant & nice, scientific notation - which can motivate computer programmers, can make their work easier, more enjoyable, quicker.

... in my approach to Linda implementation, Tuples can contain nested / pl: zagnieżdżone / Tuples as well, at theoretically any depth(s) - thanks to that it can store object graphs, with precisely defined state ... and can have many other uses as well.

... but let's not lay / lie so lazily in that 'nest', anyway. ;)

... is including 'lazy evaluation' so lazy?

... i think we should consider both cyclic and acyclic objects graphs if we want this idea to be realized - an idea of using Linda as DBMS.

Perhaps cyclic graphs should have sorted map data structure 'attached', data structure where object names are keys and references to objects are values. That way, as we 'search' through objects graph, we can 'store aside' information about names of objects visited - and avoid proceeding into infinite loop.

Considering Linda-based DBMS requirements - to be able to store object graphs correctly - abstraction, concretization, and inheritance hierarchy issues should be considered as well.

... i think 'read' operation should be fast, it should be one of most important, or perhaps even the most important objective ... then search operation speed can be quite fast.

... is avoiding/defeating data redundancy / pl: redundancja danych, powielanie danych / more important than read/search speed?

... what is more important - addressing 'data redundancy' or addressing 'single point of failure' issues? ... are solutions to these issues mutually exclusive?

... what other needs people require from this 'project'? ... i am open to wishes, suggestions, requests - not only from computer scientists & engineers.

... by serving people that way, i'll try to create market needs - so don't worry about asking, i'll benefit from that as well.

... let's be wary about 'abuses', 'unneccessary intermediaries', 'poisonous people', 'non-symbiotic parasites', etc, ... however.

... see also, if You wish, need, ... : Linda & Tuple Space.